Do you have a bed time story or tales you want to see as a published book?
Both printed and ebook format. Then you are at the right place. We offer high quality children book publishing services for children book publishing.

We know that having an engaging tale is just part of the story. Matching the written word with beautiful illustrations is critical. 

whitynepublish works with highly talented illustrators offering varying styles and levels of experience. Moreover, we manage the entire illustration process while keeping you in the loop and providing ample opportunity for your feedback, comments, and approval.

Our professional team of creative designers will makes sure your story matches the illustration down to editing and proofreading your manuscript, interior layout formatting, book design and publishing on Amazon.

We accept any genres of book.
We will also need your ISBN number if you have or we can provide a free one for you from the publishing site.
Free barcode will be created for your bookcover.
Why not contact us now so we can bring your written words to live and see your book being read by every kids, school, organisations etc,


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